Waterline Renewal Technologies

Voucher and Rebate Options for Dallas Water Customers


The City of Dallas Water Utilities offers FREE high-performance HETs (high-efficiency toilets). These new certified toilets ensure great performance and reduce water consumption. You can apply to receive up to two toilets. This program does not replace existing 1.6 gallons per flush (GPF) toilets. A rebate option is also available for up to $90 per toilet (excluding taxes). Customers are responsible for picking up the toilets, having them installed, and disposing of the old toilets so they are not reused. The criteria include: being a customer of the City of Dallas Water Utilities and having a toilet that was installed prior to 1994. You may choose to participate in either the voucher option or the rebate option.  If you choose the Voucher Option (FREE toilets), complete the online toilet voucher application in its entirety.  If you rent your home, attach a Landlord Consent letter from the owner agreeing to the installation of new toilets.

When your application has been approved, the city will mail you a voucher along with a map of available locations within ten business days of receipt of your application.  Present the voucher to the retailer when you pick up your free toilet(s). The other choice is the Rebate Option (credit on water bill) where you purchase your toilet(s), complete the online toilet rebate application in its entirety and attach a copy of your purchase receipt. The receipt must indicate the toilet purchased.  The rebate will be in the form of credit on your water bill. No cash rebates will be offered.  The credit will be for the amount of $90 per toilet (up to two) or the purchase price of the toilet (excluding taxes), whichever is less.  You must apply for a rebate within six months of the date on your receipt.
