DALLAS- You’re On! The WEQ Fair is HERE this year!


The city of Dallas has got it going on!! Lots of things happening here on behalf of new and improved water infrastructure systems. Not only has the city replaced and upgraded all of their water meters for better accuracy, established extensive programs to assist homeowners with their utilities, as well as investing in several current […]

The University of Texas Develops Trouble-Free Infrastructure Tool

The Center for Infrastructure Modeling and Management at the University of Texas will develop and improve an open source water infrastructure model. This will be used as an important tool, in order to assist communities throughout the city, with issues pertaining to their water infrastructures. The city of Dallas, as well as the vast majority […]

Full Steam Ahead! Check Out Perma-Liner Industries 2016 Events Line Up!!


Undoubtedly, you are still enjoying the many highlights that this time of year brings, but as the glory days of summer begin to wane, no worries! We’ve got some exciting events scheduled for you and they’re coming up right around the corner. Mark your calendars for these informative trade shows that you won’t want to […]

San Antonio’s Water System and Discount Programs


San Antonio’s water and wastewater infrastructure is the massive system of pipes, water wells, pumps, storage tanks, treatment facilities, and pump stations that is mostly below ground. The city has more than 9,000 miles of water and sewer mains buried below the 560-square miles that San Antonio Water System serves – enough to stretch from […]

Permanent Flowmeters Installed in Dallas


The history of the Dallas sewage collection system predates the turn of the century. In 1876, the first 24-inch sewer pipe was built in downtown Dallas, transporting wastewater to the river. What is now known as the wastewater collection system, however, began operating in the early 1900s. The collection system has grown with the city […]

Hewitt’s Long Term Capital Improvement Plan


Hewitt City Council is issuing more than $8.5 million in certificates of obligation for water and wastewater repairs that will require an increase to residents’ water and sewer rates. Without previous rate adjustments, the city was unable to put away funds for capital improvements, leaving major damage to the water and wastewater infrastructure.  About $3.8 […]