Casting the Future of Pipe Rehabilitation

Casting the Future of Pipe Rehabilitation When two leaders in a field see an opportunity to combine forces the outcome can become more than the sum of 1 + 1 = 2. In the case of Pipe Lining Supply and Perma-Liner Industries, we saw the potential of combining technologies that would propel the industry to […]
Sewer Lines to Finally be Maintained

More than 430 miles of public sanitary sewer lines and 5,947 manholes need to be effectively maintained to help prevent sanitary sewer overflows. Sanitary sewer systems collect and transport domestic, commercial, and industrial wastewater to treatment facilities. Creek bank failure due to heavy rainfall is a common cause of sanitary sewer overflows, as the large […]
Cured-In-Place-Pipelining Demonstration Days July 18 – 19

Perma-Liner Industries, LLC. to Hold Live Cured-In-Place-Pipelining Demonstration Days and Educational Sessions Open House will be held in Anaheim, Cali. on July 18 – 19 ANAHEIM, Cali. – With state-of-the-art technology options, it is not necessary to dig up aging or failing pipes to repair them. There is an efficient and cost-effective way to repair […]
Epoxy vinyl ester resin brings many advantages to CIPP industry

Perma-Liner™ Industries, LLC. (“Perma-Liner”), the leading manufacturer and supplier of trenchless pipeline rehabilitation equipment and materials in North America, is introducing a new high-performance epoxy vinyl ester resin called Perma-Liner™ Vinyl Ester. The resin is Bisphenol-A Epoxy-based dissolved in styrene and is available now for purchase. “We are excited to introduce our newest resin into […]
America’s Failing Water Infrastructure: There are Ways We Can Begin to Fix It

There are many variables threatening America’s water from pollution issues and aging infrastructure to raising costs and droughts and rainfall patterns as the climate changes. The U.S. used to be a leader when it came to water infrastructure and management. Now, the U.S. is lagging behind receiving D ratings for dams, drinking water and wastewater. […]
Duncanville’s Cross Connection Control program

The purpose of a Cross Connection Control Program is to identify potential cross connections on the public water system and require that the proper backflow prevention device is installed at the potential source. Duncanville requires Backflow Prevention Devices to be installed by a registered plumber or backflow installer and then tested by certified backflow tester […]
New Braunfels Sewer Construction Advisory

New Braunfels Utility crews is in the process of rehabilitating the city’s sewer lines this month. Please be advised that if you’re travelling near Post Road, thru-traffic will be re-routed between Gruene Road and Richter Lane during business hours 8am-5pm. The alternate routes will be accessible and in use for up to a week. This […]
Lubbock is Entering Phase II of Sewer Enhancements

The City of Lubbock is entering its second phase of a sewer renewal project which began in the spring. Residents near Indiana Ave., south of FM 1585, please be advised that beginning this week until mid-August, there will be partial closures when travelling in this area. The sewer advancement is to expand a large diameter […]
Sewer and Water 101

Summer is indeed here in all its glory. We know that means rainfall is here, too. In fact, in many parts of the country we have had record setting storms. Precipitation can heavily contribute to an overloaded sewer system. As a nation, we have over 700 communities that utilize combined sewer systems. There are some […]
Live Demonstrations Coming Soon!

LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS REGISTRATION JUNE 16TH – 18TH JAM PACKED WITH LIVE DEMOS & THE LATEST CIPP TECH. TUESDAY, JUNE 16TH THRU THURSDAY JUNE 18TH Don’t miss this three day event at our corporate facility in sunny Florida! This event will be jam packed with live demonstrations and the latest CIPP technology. Live Demonstrations: Perma-Main™ Continuous Lining Top […]