Financial Funding Allocated for Water Projects

The State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) was created by the Texas Legislature to provide affordable, ongoing state financial assistance for projects in the state water plan. The program helps communities develop cost-effective water supplies by providing low-interest loans, extended repayment terms, deferral of loan repayments, and incremental repurchase terms. Approved projects may […]
Preservation of Wetlands and Waterfowl in Dallas

Approximately 2.1 million ducks and geese migrate to the Texas Coast each fall and winter. They are attracted to the coastal marshes, inland freshwater wetlands, and harvested rice fields where they feed to acquire nutrients and build up energy reserves. Current data on waterfowl energy demands and food supply produced by available foraging habitat indicate […]
San Antonio’s Water System and Discount Programs

San Antonio’s water and wastewater infrastructure is the massive system of pipes, water wells, pumps, storage tanks, treatment facilities, and pump stations that is mostly below ground. The city has more than 9,000 miles of water and sewer mains buried below the 560-square miles that San Antonio Water System serves – enough to stretch from […]