San Antonio’s water and wastewater infrastructure is the massive system of pipes, water wells, pumps, storage tanks, treatment facilities, and pump stations that is mostly below ground. The city has more than 9,000 miles of water and sewer mains buried below the 560-square miles that San Antonio Water System serves – enough to stretch from South Texas to Australia. San Antonio Water System offers an Affordability Discount to its low-income residential customers who meet the income eligibility requirements. The discount will range from $3.63 to $14.35 per month. The amount of discount a customer receives is based upon the household size, household income and type of service provided.
The Affordability Discount will be effective from the date of certification for two years. Customers who are certified to receive the discount this year will be required to recertify their income and family size prior to receiving the discount in future years. There are also other programs, such as the Water Saver Landscape coupon and educational programs that reach out to all area residents.
Interesting fact: Did you know water pressure within the San Antonio service area can range from 35 to 175 pounds? High pressure can be controlled by a pressure-reducing valve (PRV) installed on the property owner’s side of the water meter.
Dallas & Houston, SAVE THE DATE!! Perma-Liner cordially invites you to an Event you won’t want to miss! Coming to Dallas, March 20th-24th is the NASTT No-Dig show. NASTT’s No-Dig Show is the largest trenchless technology conference in North America, where professionals attend to learn new techniques that will save money and improve infrastructure. Come and meet our staff and watch demonstrations of the latest pipeline technology. We’ll meet and greet you and answer all of the questions you have about our service and products. Meet you there!
Gaylord Texan Hotel & Convention Center
1501 Gaylord Trail
Grapevine, TX 76051