Arlington’s Revamping Overhaul of Sewer Pipe Lines
The city of Arlington is implementing the process of replacing 2 percent of its water infrastructure. This is expected to be an annual endeavor for the city in an effort to maintain an ongoing gap analysis on the expected average lifespan of their water infrastructure. The city’s most current project is replacing 10,200 linear feet […]
Financial Funding Allocated for Water Projects
The State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) was created by the Texas Legislature to provide affordable, ongoing state financial assistance for projects in the state water plan. The program helps communities develop cost-effective water supplies by providing low-interest loans, extended repayment terms, deferral of loan repayments, and incremental repurchase terms. Approved projects may […]
Preservation of Wetlands and Waterfowl in Dallas
Approximately 2.1 million ducks and geese migrate to the Texas Coast each fall and winter. They are attracted to the coastal marshes, inland freshwater wetlands, and harvested rice fields where they feed to acquire nutrients and build up energy reserves. Current data on waterfowl energy demands and food supply produced by available foraging habitat indicate […]
San Antonio’s Water System and Discount Programs
San Antonio’s water and wastewater infrastructure is the massive system of pipes, water wells, pumps, storage tanks, treatment facilities, and pump stations that is mostly below ground. The city has more than 9,000 miles of water and sewer mains buried below the 560-square miles that San Antonio Water System serves – enough to stretch from […]
Voucher and Rebate Options for Dallas Water Customers
The City of Dallas Water Utilities offers FREE high-performance HETs (high-efficiency toilets). These new certified toilets ensure great performance and reduce water consumption. You can apply to receive up to two toilets. This program does not replace existing 1.6 gallons per flush (GPF) toilets. A rebate option is also available for up to $90 per […]
Annual Conservation Contest for Children
Dallas Water Conservation offers several contests every year for Dallas children. The Elementary School Poster Contest, Middle School T-shirt Contest and High School Visual Arts Contest are held during the school year and are open to all City of Dallas students in any school district, private school or those who may be home-schooled, if they […]
Permanent Flowmeters Installed in Dallas
The history of the Dallas sewage collection system predates the turn of the century. In 1876, the first 24-inch sewer pipe was built in downtown Dallas, transporting wastewater to the river. What is now known as the wastewater collection system, however, began operating in the early 1900s. The collection system has grown with the city […]
Denton Incorporates Star Treatment for Sewer System
The sewer system serving the City of Denton is being made over with an enhanced treatment program. The City’s Utility department has been growing and implementing a better approach to the maintenance of those systems in disrepair while simultaneously getting a handle on some of those growing pains. Sophisticated software and attentive deployment of manpower […]
Hewitt’s Long Term Capital Improvement Plan
Hewitt City Council is issuing more than $8.5 million in certificates of obligation for water and wastewater repairs that will require an increase to residents’ water and sewer rates. Without previous rate adjustments, the city was unable to put away funds for capital improvements, leaving major damage to the water and wastewater infrastructure. About $3.8 […]
Duncanville’s Cross Connection Control program
The purpose of a Cross Connection Control Program is to identify potential cross connections on the public water system and require that the proper backflow prevention device is installed at the potential source. Duncanville requires Backflow Prevention Devices to be installed by a registered plumber or backflow installer and then tested by certified backflow tester […]