Dallas Outlines In-Depth Water Conservation Agenda

The City of Dallas has introduced a progressive five year water conservation strategy. This Five-Year Work Plan serves as a road map for compliance with the State’s mandates. It also serves as a major component of the Long Range Water Supply Plan. This year’s work plan was developed through a multi-faceted approach that includes review […]
Preservation of Wetlands and Waterfowl in Dallas

Approximately 2.1 million ducks and geese migrate to the Texas Coast each fall and winter. They are attracted to the coastal marshes, inland freshwater wetlands, and harvested rice fields where they feed to acquire nutrients and build up energy reserves. Current data on waterfowl energy demands and food supply produced by available foraging habitat indicate […]
Voucher and Rebate Options for Dallas Water Customers

The City of Dallas Water Utilities offers FREE high-performance HETs (high-efficiency toilets). These new certified toilets ensure great performance and reduce water consumption. You can apply to receive up to two toilets. This program does not replace existing 1.6 gallons per flush (GPF) toilets. A rebate option is also available for up to $90 per […]
Annual Conservation Contest for Children

Dallas Water Conservation offers several contests every year for Dallas children. The Elementary School Poster Contest, Middle School T-shirt Contest and High School Visual Arts Contest are held during the school year and are open to all City of Dallas students in any school district, private school or those who may be home-schooled, if they […]