Dallas Maintains Sewer Integrity and Material Recycling Initiatives
Many Dallas communities are now developing strategies for various means of recycling and composting, in order to limit waste. Many of these techniques are performed by individuals and citizens of the community. Alternatively, it takes a more in-depth process to address composting large amounts of landscape waste. The city has incorporated regional programs in response […]
DALLAS- You’re On! The WEQ Fair is HERE this year!
The city of Dallas has got it going on!! Lots of things happening here on behalf of new and improved water infrastructure systems. Not only has the city replaced and upgraded all of their water meters for better accuracy, established extensive programs to assist homeowners with their utilities, as well as investing in several current […]
The University of Texas Develops Trouble-Free Infrastructure Tool
The Center for Infrastructure Modeling and Management at the University of Texas will develop and improve an open source water infrastructure model. This will be used as an important tool, in order to assist communities throughout the city, with issues pertaining to their water infrastructures. The city of Dallas, as well as the vast majority […]
Dallas Schedules Sewer Maintenance and Sewer Overflow Advisory
The city of Dallas has a worklist for the New Year that includes the extensive rehabilitation of streets and sidewalks and much-needed sewer overhauls. Recently, the city experienced a large sewer overflow, due to a pipeline collapse in a residential neighborhood. The estimated overflow was more than 300,000 gallons, making the upgrades even more imperative. […]
Dallas’ Proactive Effort to Keep Sewers Unimpaired
The city of Dallas is keeping things moving with a united resolve, as the heavy rainfall of recent days has placed quite a burden on the sewer system. Residents in many neighborhoods have been affected by the record-setting rainfall. Sewer overflows have been tallied in amounts of 100,000 gallons and greater in several locations. The […]
Full Steam Ahead! Check Out Perma-Liner Industries 2016 Events Line Up!!
Undoubtedly, you are still enjoying the many highlights that this time of year brings, but as the glory days of summer begin to wane, no worries! We’ve got some exciting events scheduled for you and they’re coming up right around the corner. Mark your calendars for these informative trade shows that you won’t want to […]
Arlington is on a Roll with Sewer Robots
The city of Arlington has come up with an ingenious way to keep tabs on water quality. Along with the University of Texas at Arlington, the city has collaborated on the use of robots for sewers. The cost to the city is expected to be less than half the cost of hiring a complete service […]
Texas, We’ve got the Plumber for You!
If you live in Texas, there’s one plumber you should know for sure. Perma-Liner Industries is proud to introduce Joe Rushing Plumbing as one of our certified installers. Joe has built a prime, top of the line business and cares about providing the best service to his customers. Joe Rushing has the highest quality plumber […]
Dallas Outlines In-Depth Water Conservation Agenda
The City of Dallas has introduced a progressive five year water conservation strategy. This Five-Year Work Plan serves as a road map for compliance with the State’s mandates. It also serves as a major component of the Long Range Water Supply Plan. This year’s work plan was developed through a multi-faceted approach that includes review […]
Tax Relief for Texans Affected by Floods
Victims of the severe storms and flooding that took place beginning on March 7, 2016 in parts of Texas may qualify for tax relief from the Internal Revenue Service. The President has declared that a major disaster exists in the State of Texas. Following the recent disaster declaration for individual assistance issued by the Federal […]