The University of Texas Develops Trouble-Free Infrastructure Tool

The Center for Infrastructure Modeling and Management at the University of Texas will develop and improve an open source water infrastructure model. This will be used as an important tool, in order to assist communities throughout the city, with issues pertaining to their water infrastructures. The city of Dallas, as well as the vast majority […]
Arlington is on a Roll with Sewer Robots

The city of Arlington has come up with an ingenious way to keep tabs on water quality. Along with the University of Texas at Arlington, the city has collaborated on the use of robots for sewers. The cost to the city is expected to be less than half the cost of hiring a complete service […]
San Antonio’s Water System and Discount Programs

San Antonio’s water and wastewater infrastructure is the massive system of pipes, water wells, pumps, storage tanks, treatment facilities, and pump stations that is mostly below ground. The city has more than 9,000 miles of water and sewer mains buried below the 560-square miles that San Antonio Water System serves – enough to stretch from […]
Annual Conservation Contest for Children

Dallas Water Conservation offers several contests every year for Dallas children. The Elementary School Poster Contest, Middle School T-shirt Contest and High School Visual Arts Contest are held during the school year and are open to all City of Dallas students in any school district, private school or those who may be home-schooled, if they […]
Hewitt’s Long Term Capital Improvement Plan

Hewitt City Council is issuing more than $8.5 million in certificates of obligation for water and wastewater repairs that will require an increase to residents’ water and sewer rates. Without previous rate adjustments, the city was unable to put away funds for capital improvements, leaving major damage to the water and wastewater infrastructure. About $3.8 […]